Jinx (oooops, sorry, Links)
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    I know counter on our pages won't get exhausted of numerous hits.
    However, I thought it would be nice of us to improve our friends' counters.

    They are ordered by their names.

Mary Ballard

Mother - Masto caregiver; gave us hope when we needed it the  most.

David Jost

Yuppie, I'd say. One of the most interesting young people in our World.

Kristina Juriæ

A young lady with a great sense of humor and an excellent Croatian language and History student at Zagreb University. Visit also her project pages regarding 11th Annual Conference of the International Students of History Association.

Michelle Lamanna

She thinks fast and types even faster (so, what is in her mind, you read on your screen!).

Larry Mahoney

If you want to know what means a positive attitude towards life, get close to this wonderful man.


   And yet ... some other links ...


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