Photo Album 5


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December 2000

Christmas time; Morana enjoys watching candles.

This winter was not winter at all; we didn't even have any snow ...

January 2001

February 2001

Although he showed some signs of jealousy during the very first months of his sister's life, Krsto adjusted to the fact there is another human being in the family.

Now, he can't wait for her to grow up and play with him.

She seems to be a cheerful young lady - smiles all the time, loves to be with other people (even with those who aren't members of our family).

At the age of 9 months she doesn't walk yet (Krsto, for example, learned it when he was 10 months old) - she has just started to crawl.

February 2001

Every beginning seems to be hard. Sometimes I think it will be impossible to clean all that mess up :o)

March 2001

March 2001

Dado and Krsto, exhausted after playing with a balloon. It was the day when Sasha's co-workers came to see our new (new? 7 months old!) child. Tanja took her son, Dado, with her.

Krsto loved playing with him. It is a fact that he lacks other children's company - when I was a kid, there were dozen of children in the street. Today, he is the only child (if we don't count Morana).

March 2001

Morana and Krsto before going to bed; still in the mood, however.

April 2001

Three quarters of our family

Krsto wearing a helmet he got from Vesna, Bridget's cousin. She had to use it when she visited a mine (I really don't know what she was doing in there).

Glasses can not be adjusted to his head size, so they keep falling down all the time.

April 2001

She has her own toys. However, it seems she enjoys even more in Krsto's ones, especially "Dinosaur" puzzle or Lego blocks. I guess it is not necessary to say it drives him crazy sometimes, hahahhaaha!

April 2001

April 2001

I know some of you think they know what the spots are about, but let me reassure you - those are not Masto spots (thank God!), but paint freckles Krsto got while painting the fence.

June 2001

She seems to enjoy in chocolate coated cakes just like her older brother. Luckily, Krsto doesn't make such a mess any more. I guess we'd drop dead if we had to clean both of them.

On a ferry which carried us from Prizna to Žigljen. It was children's first naval voyage and it seems they liked it, especially Krsto who understood what was it all about. Morana, on the other hand, enjoyed in a breeze and tiny sea water drops on her face.

July 2001

Krsto on a beach in Gajac, an apartment village on the island of Pag.

He spent a lot of time in water, while Morana stayed in a shade - she doesn't walk yet and, furthermore, sea was too cold for her. It was cold for him too, but he wouldn't admit that for anything in the world.

July 2001

July 2001

Krsto and his friend, Laura. A moment or two later he found out that love hurts - she threw a rock into his head.

None suffered from a serious injury, however.

August 2001

Her first birthday! It could hardly be called a "party", as we were home alone; Krsto and their grandparents were at the seaside and missed Bridget's birthday cake. Regarding the cook, it was delicious smile.gif (380 bytes)

Their last days in paradise - in a matter of days we moved to our new home in Koprivnica.

August 2001

Since September 2nd, we have a new address.

Living room; kids reading the book (yeah right!). Those peaceful and quiet moments are so rare that one can't believe they are possible at all.

September 2001

September 2001

Girls in our new home, in the kitchen. It is our very first dishwasher ever and it helps a lot - moreover, it is better to be with the family than wash the dishes, I guess.

September 2001

Our backyard; at the moment, there are no trees, bushes, or even a garden - nothing. I guess we'll have it in a few years or so.

Plants do need a lot of time to grow, don't they? While children grow much too fast ...